Fitness Coaching in Salt Lake City, UT

We specialize in creating a broad foundation of fitness for all our athletes. We believe being an athlete is a mindset and a lifestyle. Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, a business owner, or an industrial worker, we can work with you to maximize your athletic performance.


You love testing the limits of your capacity. You want to be fit AF. You love to compete, but only against yourself. You want to discover what is your real capacity. We are here for you. We will provide you with the breadth and depth you need to express your full potential.


We work closely with triathletes, cyclists, runners, climbers, and fighters. We understand the athlete mindset. We give our specialists the underlying foundation of fitness to help them excel in their sports. We tailor our broad fitness approach to the specificities required by their disciplines.


We are passionate about the sport of fitness. We have extensive experience working in all the spectrum of cross-training methodologies. Whether you need to improve your weightlifting, gymnastics, aerobic capacity, or shoulder mobility, we are here for you. We will make you fitter.

We are here to help you improve,


Prioritize High-Quality Movement


Your body is a fantastic thing, but when the foundations are weak, your development will stall. If you want to maximize your capacity, mastering the basics, and having a broad base of fitness is a must.


At Selfmastery, we always prioritize improving the biomechanics of the movements that are most important to you. We help our athletes become outstanding movers and masters at the core aspects of their disciplines.


We aim to enhance and strengthen your range of motion. We know that healthy and resilient joints and muscles will produce epic performances. With a solid base to stand on, you can reach your highest levels.

Our pledge is to always

match your hard work with ours.


Personalized Program

Our approach to improving your fitness is holistic. We see you as a human first, and then as an athlete. Understanding what makes you, well, you, is an integral part of designing a successful fitness plan for you.


We understand that not everyone wants to be a professional athlete. But we do know in order to realize your potential, your lifestyle, mindset, nutrition, have to all be working in alignment with your fitness program. We tailor your fitness program to meet the specific needs of your life. 


Selfmastery is committed to helping you be your best self — your healthiest self. If you live in the Salt Lake City, UT, area, and are ready for lifestyle and nutrition coaching, reach out to us today and see what we can do for you.

Ready to work with us?

Start your application process